Our Mission
Promote the conservation and stewardship of soil, water, woodlands and wildlife habitat through outreach, education, and technical services for the farmers, woodland owners, residents and municipalities of Somerset County.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD’s) are political subdivisions of the State of Maine, established to coordinate and carry out conservation programs for the stewardship, use and development of soil, water and woodland resources. SWCD’s emphasize cooperation between state, federal and local resource management agencies to implement sustainable solutions to conserve and enhance natural resources.

Working in a unique cooperative partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, which provides technical expertise, and state and local partners, Soil and Water Conservation Districts reach out to all local stakeholders in the community to determine priorities and set a course of action to solve natural resource problems.
Districts provide local conservation leadership, teach the value of natural resources, encourage conservation efforts and help plan and implement voluntary programs. Each District program is different and unique to the area that it serves, because the programs are developed by local people to solve local problems.