Maine’s trees and forests are threatened by invasive insects and diseases.
From Emerald Ash Borer to Beech Leaf Disease to Browntail Moth, there are ever-increasing threats to native tree species and the forest ecosystem. If you have questions about an insect or tree damage you observed on your property or woodlot, contact us. Somerset County SWCD can connect you with the resources to help address forest pests and disease. We include here a listing of resources and links to current information from the Maine Forest Service regarding the tree pests and diseases people ask about most.
Resources from the Maine Forest Service:
Beech Leaf Disease Beech leaf disease is an emerging disease.
(Target: Beech)Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Hemlock woolly adelgid populations are extreme and are causing tree decline and mortality in portions of coastal Maine.
(Target: Hemlocks)Emerald Ash Borer Emerald ash borer has recently been found in two new counties (Kennebec and Androscoggin), including in Oakland and Waterville. Please contact our office if you think you have seen damage from emerald ash borer.
(Target: Ash) Read More About EAB in Oakland & Waterville.Twig Pruners, including Oak Twig Pruner: Twig pruner activity in oak is abundant this year, as is usual in even-numbered years. Learn to tell the difference between twig pruner damage and oak wilt (not known to be in Maine)
(Target: Hardwoods, especially oak)Spongy Moth (PDF | 304 KB) Western Maine and several other scattered locations are currently experiencing a spongy moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) outbreak.
(Target: Hardwoods)White Pine Needle Damage (PDF | 1.08 MB) White pine trees across Maine have experienced annual summer defoliation from white pine needle damage. Needles begin casting in Mid-June and can last through mid-Summer.
(Target: White pine)Browntail Moth Maine is currently experiencing a browntail moth outbreak.
(Target: Hardwoods) Read More in Our Stewardship Blog Here & Here