Looking to improve or protect grassland bird habitat on property you own or manage? The resources listed here can help get you started.
Working Lands for Wildlife: NRCS program that provides technical and financial assistance to landowners who make improvements to their working lands while enhancing wildlife habitat
Cornell Lab’s Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative Profile
Cornell Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative Website: provides easily accessible information including resources, tools, and funding opportunities to advance the pace and impact of land trusts’ protection and stewardship efforts through birds.
Cornell Land Trust Small Grant Program: funds and supports land trusts and their partners in accomplishing bird conservation on private lands through acquisition/easements, habitat planning, outreach, and research.
Conservation Collaboratives: regional land trust partnerships fostered by Cornell that focus conservation efforts on high priority birds and issues in places where protection and management are most needed and can be most effective.
Birds on Your Land: how to use eBird, submit a checklist, find tutorials, and create a hotspot-a public birding location created by eBird users.
All About Birds: online guide that provides information about identifying birds, including sound files and videos of bird behavior, as well as extensive information about their life histories.
Bird Academy: self-paced courses produced by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology with teams of biologists, educators, and designers for all knowledge levels.
Joy of Bird Watching Course: one of the most popular Bird Academy courses with eight lessons that give you the tools you need to find, ID, and connect with birds.
Important Bird Areas: Audubon program that identifies land areas vital to bird conservation and wildlife.
Merlin: free bird identification app for your smartphone, offering quick identification help for all levels of bird watchers to learn about North America and Europe’s common and rare birds.
eBird: tool available for recording bird observations, determining the presence/absence of bird species, monitoring populations, storing and visualizing data, and engaging the bird watching community.
eBird Essentials: free online course produced by Bird Academy to help you learn more about how eBird works, including ways to find more birds and keep track of your sightings.
eBird Science Data: explore bird status and trends with maps, habitat charts, weekly migration animations, and more–all generated from modeled eBird data.
Dr. Tom Gavin, Cornell photo L Suomi-Lecker
For the Ag Allies program, manager Laura Suomi-Lecker participated in grassland bird behavior field training sessions with Dr. Tom Gavin in 2017 and 2018. Dr. Gavin is Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, and contributing author of Birds of North America species account for Bobolink. She also shadowed Dr. Noah Perlut in his grassland bird field research at Shelburne Farms in Vermont in 2019. See below for links to some of their research.
Dr. Noah Perlut, University of New England photo L Suomi-Lecker
Click here for a PDF version of pages from https://birdsna.org, archived with permission from the publisher. Full information from these pages is available only through Birds of North America.
A short film featuring the field research of Dr. Noah Perlut in New York. Read more here