District Announces 2024 Trout Sales
The Somerset County SWCD will once again offer trout sales of Maine-raised Brook and Rainbow Trout this spring.
SKOWHEGAN - The Somerset County SWCD will once again conduct a trout sale this spring.
There will be two separate trout sales this year, one for brook trout (Micmac Farms – Caribou, ME) and another for rainbow trout (Spectrum Trout – Paris, ME).
Stocking permits from Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife in Augusta must be obtained before trout can be ordered. You will find a link to the permit application on our web site.. The permit fee is $10, and the person picking up the order must be named on the permit.
Brook trout delivery date for Somerset County sales will be Wednesday, May 22 at the USDA Office in Skowhegan at 12 PM. The order deadline is Friday, May 17. Cost is $3.50 per fish.
Rainbow trout delivery date for Somerset County sales will be Saturday, June 8 , at the USDA Office in Skowhegan at 11 AM. The order deadline is Wednesday, June 5. Cost is $3.00 per fish.
Fish will be provided in oxygenated plastic bags and boxed as in previous years’ sales.
Order forms are available here. Please call our office at (207) 474-8323 x 4 for additional information.
District Supervisor Election Deadline Nears
Nomination papers must be received at the District office no later than Oct. 26, 2023.
SKOWHEGAN - Persons desiring to run for the office of District Supervisor for the Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District should contact Jennifer Hebert at the District office at 70 East Madison Rd., Skowhegan ME 04976, telephone (207) 474-8323, to obtain nomination papers. Nomination papers must be received at the District office no later than Oct. 26, 2023. Persons wishing to vote in the election of District Supervisor must contact the District to receive a ballot.
Persons who desire to run for office of Supervisor must be a resident registered voter residing within the boundaries of the Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District. All registered voters within the boundaries of the Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District are eligible to vote. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the District.
Delayed Mowing Will Make All the Difference for Grassland Bird Nestlings
Delaying harvest a bit longer could make all the difference to these nestlings birds.
Bobolinks, Eastern meadowlarks and Savannah sparrows! Fields are full of activity as these grassland birds advance in their nesting season! The cool, wet weather has presented substantial challenges for nesting success, but most Bobolinks and Savannah sparrows have transitioned from incubating eggs to feeding nestlings. In some fields, we are seeing adults feeding nestlings, while in others, young birds gaining mobility. Eastern meadowlarks may be on a second clutch at this point in the season.
It’s that critical time of year when many grassland bird babies are hatched and growing fast - but they are not yet flying! Delayed mowing allows these birds the opportunity to fully develop as flyers and successful fledglings. Staff with our Ag Allies grassland bird conservation program continue to watch fields across the state and will provide additional updates to support mowing as soon as birds are flying. If you are able to delay a bit longer, you can make all the difference for our imperiled grassland species.
Bobolinks are one of our most charismatic and iconic species of our grasslands. They, along with other grassland species have suffered the steepest losses of North American birds in recent decades, facing threats on several fronts simultaneously. (www.stateofthebirds.org). Habitat loss is a driving factor in these widespread declines, particularly agricultural intensification and development.
Since 2016, Ag Allies, hosted by Somerset County SWCD, has worked with farmers, land trusts and landowners statewide to increase the nesting success of grassland birds using incentive payments, technical assistance and education. We are excited to report that 2023 is looking like Ag Allies’ biggest year yet for farmers and landowners investing in grassland bird habitat conservation! We salute all of the farmers and land managers willing to make some space for nesting birds.
For more information, contact Ag Allies through the web site or by calling the office at 474-8323 x 3 or via jennifer@agallies.org
Bobolink with food, pc L Suomi-Lecker
New Emergency Order Area Announced as Invasive Emerald Ash Borer Continues Spread into Central Maine
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's (DACF) Maine Forest Service (MFS) announced the expansion of its Emergency Order restricting the movement of ash trees, green ash waste, ash firewood, and any other materials that may be a means of emerald ash border (EAB) transportation.
For more information contact: Jim Britt at: Jim.Britt@maine.gov
AUGUSTA, Maine - Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's (DACF) Maine Forest Service (MFS) announced the expansion of its Emergency Order restricting the movement of ash trees, green ash waste, ash firewood, and any other materials that may be a means of emerald ash border (EAB) transportation. The expansion follows the discovery of EAB infestations in Corinna and Newport in Penobscot County and Andover and Woodstock in Oxford County. The infestations are suspected to be the direct result of human movement of EAB.
The expanded Emergency Order covers Androscoggin, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Waldo Counties and parts of Aroostook, Franklin, Oxford, Penobscot Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties. The expansion is in addition to areas described in the existing state quarantine, Maine DACF, Agriculture Rules, Chapter 275, which includes regions of Maine and other states and Canada.
Regulated ash items include:
All life stages of the EAB
Rooted ash (Fraxinus spp.) for planting (excluding mountain ash)
Hardwood firewood that has not been certified heat treated
Ash logs (i.e., roundwood and pulpwood) and green lumber from ash
Frequently Asked EAB Questions
Q: What is MFS's next step?
A: MFS will coordinate listening sessions in April to gather input on EAB regulations in Maine. The sessions will be hybrid, allowing for in-person and online participation. Preliminary plans include meetings in Augusta, Old Town, and Houlton. The MFS calendar of events will list exact locations, dates, and times. Interested parties should subscribe to receive EAB-related news.
Q: How do we slow the spread of EAB?
A: We help slow the spread of EAB and other invasive forest pests using local and certified heat-treated firewood. Everyone is asked to encourage others to do the same and to learn and follow best management practices when handling ash in regulated areas.
Q: What are the signs of EAB?
A: Woodpeckers feeding on overwintering larvae create bright white spots called blonding. In Newport, an alert arborist discovered the woodpecker damage and contacted MFS. In Andover and Woodstock, MFS crews found the damage during routine surveys. Everyone is asked to report suspected EAB damage by emailing locations and photos to foresthealth@maine.gov.
Q: How does this impact the firewood movement from out of state into Maine?
A: The ban on the movement of untreated firewood from out-of-state into Maine remains. Many tree-killing insects and diseases, in addition to EAB, can be moved with firewood. Everyone who burns firewood is asked to purchase local firewood (buy it where you burn it) and certified heat-treated firewood.
Q: Do I need to worry about spreading EAB if I'm only moving ash tree products within the emergency order or quarantine area?
A: Everyone should be concerned with the future of ash trees in Maine. MFS and its partners encourage everyone involved with moving ash tree material within the regulated areas to follow Best Management Practices to reduce the spread of EAB.
Q: Where can I find more EAB information?
A: The MFS EAB webpage is the best resource for everyone concerned about EAB spread in Maine. Email questions about EAB and the Emergency Order to foresthealth@maine.gov or call (207) 287-2431.
More information on firewood can be found on the Maine Forest Service firewood webpage and dontmovefirewood.org. Watch EAB detection in Maine.
District Announces 2023 Trout Sale
The Somerset County SWCD will once again conduct a trout sale this spring.
SKOWHEGAN - The Somerset County SWCD will once again conduct a trout sale this spring.
There will be two separate trout sales this year, one for brook trout (Micmac Farms – Caribou, ME) and another for rainbow trout (Spectrum Trout – Paris, ME).
Stocking permits from Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife in Augusta must be obtained before trout can be ordered. You will find a link to the permit application on our web site. There permit fee is $10, and the person picking up the order must be named on the permit.
Brook trout delivery date for Somerset County sales will be Friday, May 12, at the USDA Office in Skowhegan at 12 PM. The order deadline is Monday, May 8. Cost is $3.50 per fish.
Rainbow trout delivery date for Somerset County sales will be Saturday, June 3rd , at the USDA Office in Skowhegan at 11 AM. The order deadline is Wednesday, May 31. Cost is $3.00 per fish.
Fish will be provided in oxygenated plastic bags and boxed as in previous years’ sales.
Order forms are available here. Please call our office at (207) 474-8323 x 4 for additional information.
District Welcomes New Executive Director
The Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District is pleased to announce that it has hired Jennifer Zweig Hebert as its new executive director.
SKOWHEGAN – The Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District is pleased to announce that it has hired Jennifer Zweig Hebert as its new executive director.
Jennifer Zweig Hebert has been hired as Executive Director at Somerset County SWCD.
“We are thrilled to bring Jenn on as the District’s executive director,” said Ann Mefferd, the District’s board chairperson. “In addition to tending to her family’s large woodlot, Jenn has developed a deep knowledge of the District and its role in natural resources conservation. She has valuable experience interfacing with the public, towns and the state as well as top notch data processing and administrative skills.”
Jenn came to Maine from Poestenkill, N.Y., in 1993 to work for the Farm Service Agency in Skowhegan. In 2006, she left to spend more time with her young family. Since 2010 she has worked as the elected Town Clerk and Tax Collector in the Town of Starks. With Jenn’s two sons now young adults, she added jobs at the Town of Industry and the University of Maine at Farmington into the mix.
“I am excited to be working at the District where I can connect area residents to resources and opportunities to improve conservation and our rural quality of life,” said Hebert. “Agriculture, wildlife and rural living are areas of great interest to me. I am hopeful that joining the District will allow me to make a difference for folks living in Somerset County.
“I feel as if coming to the District is coming back to my heart and what brought me to this beautiful state so long ago,” said Jenn.
Jenn may be reached at the District office at 207-474-8323 or jhebert@maineconservationdistricts.com. The District is co-located with the NRCS at the USDA Service Center, 70 East Madison Road in Skowhegan.
The Somerset County SWCD works to promote the conservation and stewardship of soil, water, woodlands and wildlife habitat through outreach, education and technical services for the farmers, woodland owners, residents and municipalities of Somerset County. The District coordinates with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA-Farm Services Agency (FSA), Somerset County Cooperative Extension, Maine state agencies, Maine Woodland Owners and other organizations to help landowners implement best stewardship practices for their natural resources. Learn more about District services at its Web site, www.somersetswcd.org.
Local Working Group Meeting Set
The annual Somerset County Local Working Group Meeting will be held at 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 18, 2023.
SKOWHEGAN - The annual Somerset County Local Working Group Meeting will be held at 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 18, 2023.
Participants may attend the meeting in person at the USDA Service Center, 70 East Madison Road, Skowhegan or virtually via Zoom. The focus of the meeting is to discuss the USDA’s – Natural Resources Conservation Service’s FY2024 programs, with particular emphasis on the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).
The meeting will be hosted by the Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District. To register for the meeting, either in person or virtual, please contact joseph.dembeck@me.nacdnet.net.
The Local Working Group is composed of those interested in agriculture, private forests, wetlands, and wildlife within Somerset County. The group provides information, assistance, and recommendations to the District Conservationist of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on local natural resource priorities and criteria for matters relating to the implementation and technical aspects of conservation programs funded under the USDA Farm Bill.
Call (207) 474-8323 ext.4 with questions or for more information.
Somerset SWCD Seeks Executive Director Candidates
The Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District seeks a motivated leader to serve as its part-time Executive Director.
"Rachel White is stepping down at the end of October as Executive Director of the Somerset County SWCD to focus on her young farm and completing her doctorate. We offer many thanks for her insights during her short term with the District and appreciate her continued efforts toward the District's Ag Allies grassland bird program. She is a valued member of the conservation community and we wish her luck.
Joe Dembeck, the District's prior Executive Director, will be coming back on a part-time basis while the Board conducts the process to fill the position."
Somerset County SWCD Board of Supervisors
Opening posted: October 18, 2022 | Expires when position is filled
The Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District seeks a motivated leader to serve as its part-time Executive Director.
Direct and develop diverse conservation projects through partnerships with a wide range of environmental professionals to promote natural resource stewardship. Flexible work schedule in the office, home, and field.
The successful candidate will be a self-motivated professional with education/work experience in natural resources and experience in project management including strategic planning, program implementation, outreach, and financial management.
The Somerset SWCD’s effectiveness is directly related its collaboration with partners including the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, state and local agencies, conservation and natural resource groups, individual landowners, and funding organizations. The Executive Director’s ability to foster these relationships is critical to the success of the organization.
Reporting to the Somerset SWCD’s Board of Supervisors the Executive Director works with the Technical Director and Outreach Coordinator in achieving the mission of this creative and dynamic organization.
See full job description on the Somerset SWCD web site here.
How to Apply: Please submit a detailed cover letter and resume to:
Email: jdembecksc15@gmail.com
Or mail:
Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District
ATTN: Joe Dembeck
70 East Madison Road
Skowhegan, ME 04976
If you have any questions, contact Joe Dembeck at 207-612-4136 or jdembecksc15@gmail.com.
2023 Farm Bill Survey: MDACF Requests Your Input
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry urges farmers to complete a short survey to help the Department better understand and support state priorities in the 2023 Farm Bill — the nation’s most comprehensive food and farm policy.
The survey should only take three to five minutes to complete.
Please respond by Friday, September 30, 2022.
Somerset SWCD Contributes to North Pond Watershed Protection Project
Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District is contributing to a collaborative project of North Pond Association, Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation District and 7 Lakes Alliance to develop a Watershed-Based Management Plan for North Pond. Read More
SKOWHEGAN - Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District (Somerset SWCD) is contributing to a collaborative project of North Pond Association, Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation District (KCSWCD) and 7 Lakes Alliance to develop a Watershed-Based Management Plan (WBMP) for North Pond.
The project is funded by a 604(b) planning grant from Maine DEP . Work began earlier this year and is expected to end in December 2023. The project’s seven primary tasks include:
1) Water quality monitoring and in-lake assessment led by 7 Lakes Alliance, sediment analysis by Colby College, and an updated bathymetric map led by NPA;
2) A Water quality analysis led by 7 Lakes Alliance that will examine trends in the short (5-10 years)- and long-term data (50 years).
3) Watershed assessments including a septic vulnerability analysis and septic survey led by 7 Lakes and Colby, and a field survey with Somerset SWCD to assess current impacts from developed and agricultural land;
4) Watershed modeling and internal loading analysis led by project consultants including a land-cover update and a review of available data to quantify internal recycling of phosphorus from bottom sediments and for making recommendations for restoring the water quality in North Pond;
5) A Municipal ordinance review led by the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) in cooperation with the towns of Rome, Smithfield and Mercer to help review existing ordinances, prepare a report of the findings, and meet with town officials to present the results.
6) Stakeholder Engagement & Public Outreach includes development of a Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee to guide the planning process, as well as a public meeting and various other types of outreach throughout the project period.
7) A Watershed-Based Management Plan will be developed outlining actions needed to restore water quality in North Pond over a 10-year planning period. The plan will include a detailed action plan with associated costs and a timeline for each action. The plan is a requirement for applying for federal grants to restore water quality for impaired lakes in Maine.