Delayed Mowing Will Make All the Difference for Grassland Bird Nestlings
Bobolinks, Meadowlarks and sparrows! It’s that critical time of year again for the grassland birds nesting in hayfields around the state. Many of the babies are now hatched and growing fast! In another couple of weeks, they will be up and flying. For anyone who manages fields that have not yet been cut, delaying harvest for these next two weeks could make all the difference to these nestlings.
Bobolinks are one of our most charismatic and iconic species of our grasslands. They, along with other grassland species have suffered the steepest losses of North American birds in recent decades, facing threats on several fronts simultaneously. ( Habitat loss is a driving factor in these widespread declines, particularly agricultural intensification and development.
Since 2016, Ag Allies, hosted by Somerset County SWCD, has worked with farmers, land trusts and landowners statewide to increase the nesting success of grassland birds using incentive payments, technical assistance and education. Happily, 2022 is looking like our biggest year yet for farmers and landowners investing in grassland bird habitat conservation! We salute all of the farmers and land managers willing to make some space for nesting birds. For more information, contact Ag Allies through the website or by calling the office at 474-8323 x 3.
Bobolink nestlings, pc L Suomi-Lecker