Delayed Mowing Will Make All the Difference for Grassland Bird Nestlings

Bobolinks, Eastern meadowlarks and Savannah sparrows!  Fields are full of activity as these grassland birds advance in their nesting season!  The cool, wet weather has presented substantial challenges for nesting success, but most Bobolinks and Savannah sparrows have transitioned from incubating eggs to feeding nestlings.  In some fields, we are seeing adults feeding nestlings, while in others, young birds gaining mobility. Eastern meadowlarks may be on a second clutch at this point in the season.

It’s that critical time of year when many grassland bird babies are hatched and growing fast - but they are not yet flying!   Delayed mowing allows these birds the opportunity to fully develop as flyers and successful fledglings. Staff with our Ag Allies grassland bird conservation program continue to watch fields across the state and will provide additional updates to support mowing as soon as birds are flying.   If you are able to delay a bit longer, you can make all the difference for our imperiled grassland species.

Bobolinks are one of our most charismatic and iconic species of our grasslands.  They, along with other grassland species have suffered the steepest losses of North American birds in recent decades, facing threats on several fronts simultaneously. (  Habitat loss is a driving factor in these widespread declines, particularly agricultural intensification and development. 

Since 2016, Ag Allies, hosted by Somerset County SWCD, has worked with farmers, land trusts and landowners statewide to increase the nesting success of grassland birds using incentive payments, technical assistance and education. We are excited to report that 2023 is looking like Ag Allies’ biggest year yet for farmers and landowners investing in grassland bird habitat conservation!  We salute all of the farmers and land managers willing to make some space for nesting birds. 

For more information, contact Ag Allies through the web site or by calling the office at 474-8323 x 3 or via

Bobolink with food, pc L Suomi-Lecker


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