Replacing the Bridge
A 12-year-old bridge over a seasonal stream on our property was in need of replacement and Friday turned out to be the perfect day to get to work on it!
On Thursday after dinner the new beams and decking were loaded on the ATV trailer and driven out to the location. It took three trips. Once back, the trailer was loaded with the generator and tools for a very early start on Friday.
All went smoothly and over the course of three hours, the old bridge’s decking and beams were removed, then the new bridge’s sills, beams and decking were installed.
As the new bridge is higher, the approaches to the bridge had to be graveled to create a “ramp”.
Another three hours spent hauling gravel and building up the approaches. a little finish work remains as large rock will be used to reinforce the sides of the gravel approaches.
The old bridge lasted 12 years, and I am hopeful this new bridge will last 20 years!
Most importantly, it is ready for this winter’s hauling of firewood! The old bridge material will be used to create a foot bridge over another seasonal stream that one of our walking trails crosses.
— Joe Dembeck, Somerset SWCD Executive Director