Invasive Species Film Offers Information and Motivation
New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) teamed up with West Field Production Co. to produce “Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species”. It tells the story of invasive species in NY and how DEC and its partners are tackling them. The film looks at a number of species we are battling in Maine, plus a host of others heading our way. Watch the one-hour film below.
Mushrooms That Digest Themselves? It Must Be Halloween
As the season's parade of mushrooms nears its end, the shaggy manes, or shaggy ink caps, put on a spooktakular display.
Learn to Protect Your Woodlands from Invasive Stiltgrass
Take 10 minutes to watch and learn to identify one of our latest threats to native biodiversity, invasive stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum.
Trail Cameras Build a Relationship with Your Woods
Trail cameras are a great way to learn about your woods and engage others in your conservation work.
Welcome Birds to Your Yard this Spring
If you want birds nesting in your backyard this year, take time this weekend to be sure you are ready to welcome them.
Winter Low Impact Harvest Tour
NRCS Soil Conservationist Alexis Clune had the opportunity to join a tour of an active forest thinning in Dexter led by forester and logger Rob Nelson.
What in the Woods Is Going on Here?
We often find scenes in the woods that move us to pause and consider the stories behind them. Forester and Somerset County SWCD Board member Jon Doty shared this one with us last week.
Chance Encounter
Although its song is not uncommon at the Yankee Woodlot demonstration forest, the Black-throated Green Warbler is not easily spotted. They feed and sing in the forest canopy, making it a challenge to catch sight of them despite their flashy color.
Replacing the Bridge
A 12-year-old bridge over a seasonal stream on our property was in need of replacement and Friday turned out to be the perfect day to get to work on it!
Math in the Woodlot? Whether Homeschooling or Managing Your Timber, Measurements Matter
So last week when I needed to find and tag ash trees for an Emerald Ash Borer awareness campaign, my children came along. There’s plenty of learning to be done on a woods walk - even math.
Using a Sawbuck for Cutting Limb Wood - SAFELY
Over the years I have varied my approach to how I cut these smaller diameter pieces to stove length. About 6 years ago I settled into the design pictured. I combined two sawbuck designs …